I want a man who loves me, respects me, cherishes me.

I want a man who’ll support my wildest dreams. Not just support it but encourage me when I lose hope and cheer the loudest when I hit milestones, even if he doesn’t understand the significance.

I want a man who’ll value and appreciate all that I do. Someone who’ll notice the little and the big things I do.

I want a man to understand that I come with two little people and a whole lot of baggage, and that some days my cup is so empty that I’m a zombie on autopilot.

I want a man whose proud of me. Not just of my achievements but who I am. Someone who’s not ashamed of being seen with me.

I want a man who’s chivalrous and empathetic.

I want a man who’s thoughtful and kind.

I want someone who can roast me in one sentence and tell me their deepest fears in the next.

I want a man who knows who he is and understands how he got there.

Am I asking too much? Does this man exist? Or have I just asked for a unicorn man?

