Hi! I’m Maggie.

I am a single mum of two, caffeine fiend, whiskey lover, tattoo addict and DV survivor.

My foray into the blogging world began in 2011 as a way to procrastinate from uni. My distraction from my studies quickly became a creative outlet from style posts to fashion week coverage which led to my nomination in 2012 for the Pedestrian.tv Blogster award.

Fast forward to 2017 the blog saw a shift in content when I fell pregnant with Hayley. It was here that I began to share my journey through motherhood but the difficulty of juggling writing and being a first time mum hit soon after Hayley’s birth and the blog fell by the wayside.

In 2020, thanks to some forced time off due to Covid, and the birth of Kayden, I rediscovered my love for writing and soon found myself writing for Mamamia.

With the reignited passion for writing (fun fact: I used to write picture books when I was a kid, mostly about unicorns and princesses) I knew my writing needed a home which lead to the birth of TIM.

After a tumultuous marriage which saw me grow through some tough life experiences I knew I had to share my story in hopes that it can bring some solace to those going through the same experience. Being a victim of non-physical domestic violence is an isolating experience; they are experiences that still feel taboo to talk about and in its worst form makes you question your sanity. I hope for those who resonate with my raw words that you find comfort knowing you’re not alone.

TIM. is my little corner of the internet where I can speak candidly about my life and experiences. A place to speak of love, of loss and to dream.

So join me on this journey called life and if you ever need a shoulder to lean on or an understanding ear, my inbox is always open.

Maggie x