Work With Me

  • I love sharing businesses and products I resonate with! I think a great find should always be shared.

    Sponsored posts range from 300-800 words, and include sharing to email subscribers and across social media channels.

    Want to see your brand featured exclusively on a blog post here on TIM?

    Send me a message via the form below and let’s get chatting!

  • Like the way I write? Why thank you very much!

    I love writing on a variety of topics from mum life to beauty (and everything inbetween). I have an unique voice which is conversational, light hearted and laced with a spot of sarcasm.

    If you’d like me to write for your website — send me a message via the form below and let’s get chatting!

  • I am a firm believer that if you find something amazing it should be shouted from the rooftops, and your business/products is no different.

    I love representing brands that align with who I am and what I like, and sharing them with my community.

    There are a variety of options on how I can represent your brand across my social media platform so send me a message via the form below and let’s get chatting!

  • Oooh so you like the way I take photos— naww shucks, thank you!

    I can take photos and/or videos for you to use however you want, shot, styled and edited the Maggie way (which is what you like or you wouldn’t be looking here ;) )

    Send me a message via the form below and let’s get chatting!

work with me margaret ye the inked mama sydney mum fashion blogger

Contact Me.

Want to work with me? Or looking for further information & rates?

Send me a message with what you have in mind and I’ll get back to you in the next 24hrs.


Published Elsewhere



Affiliate links — Some links provided on this blog are affiliate links. I will be paid a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you use these links to make a purchase.

Sponsored posts — These posts are paid by the brand to appear on this blog.

All recommended products & services are based on my positive experience.

Any affiliate or sponsored content will feature a disclosure statement.