To my unicorn,

I know you're out there somewhere. Maybe you're not ready for love yet or maybe you're with a love that isn't true. Wherever you may be I know when the time is right our paths will cross and life as we know it will come to a halt.

Time will stand still. Droplets of water crystalized in the air. A bird mid flight. And when our gaze meet the world will collide in a technicolor delight.

I don't know your name yet, or maybe I do. But one day your name is going to melt like butter in my mouth and elicit a joy that can only be described as pure ecstasy.

True love exists. I won't let my past experiences extinguish this flame of hope. Our souls are destined to dance together in this light.

So wherever you may be, I am here waiting for you. Not to complete me, nor be my beacon of happiness. But to be my rock when I am weak, to be my cheerleader when I'm not sure, to be my ally in life.

With all the love,
Your unicorn

