As the realisation of what I had to do sunk in those words echoed inside my head:
"Who would want you? A 30 year old with two kids and an ex as baggage?"

Each component of the trifecta acceptable in their own right but together creates an undesirable combination.

“No, Aunt Susan, I didn’t expect to be single at 30.”

“Yes, Uncle Joe, I considered the kids in my decision.”

“Yes, Karen, I realise the baggage that is my ex requires an oversized sticker that would ward off any potential suitor.”

I knew the reality that laid before me and although it should’ve been something far from my mind as I made my decision it sat front and centre, taunting me; reminding me of the path that laid before me.

So here I am, on that path with my oversized baggage and two kids in tow with my thumbs waving furiously at every passing car hoping one would kind enough to stop.

I know full well that I’m asking someone to open their heart up not only to myself but to two bonus little people.

And though I have the strength to carry the weight of my baggage alone I hope to find a shoulder willing to share the load.

And once again the question echoes in my head — who would want you? 30, 2 kids and an ex.

