She had no broken bones or bruises to show for it but he had broken her.
Domestic violence isn’t always skin deep.

You don’t have to be blue and black to hurt, and darling I wish you knew this sooner.

His towering physique holds you hostage in your own home; your safe space invaded by his intimidating presence.

He doesn’t push you hard but it doesn’t take much and he’s got you cornered. You fight your way out knowing your punches don’t mean much to him.

You see the rage in his eyes and it hits you, you’re terrified of this man. Your mind races; will today be the day he finally lands a hand on you?

You keep fighting.

The mind games are in play now.
“Call the cops. I didn’t touch you but you hit me. Who do you think will be in trouble, you or me?”

He’s gaslighting you but you fall for it.

Darling, he’s been gaslighting you for years. You’ve been living with a live grenade, his volatility felt by everyone around you. But you love this man and it blinds you.

You deserve more than this.

Day in, day out. You come home anxious, never knowing what you’ll be coming home to. Will it be a good day or will a simple question trigger him?

Darling, I’ll say it again — you deserve more than this and one day you’ll see; you don’t have to be blue and black to hurt.


For those who want a better understanding of non-physical DV please watch Maid on Netflix.

