What if. 

Life is filled with what ifs. The alternate path we could’ve taken; the wonder of where it may have led us. 

Who we could have been if life took a different turn. Where our lives would be if we said yes instead of no, or vice versa

I try not to dwell on the what ifs but some days they creep up on me, shaking my thoughts up, pushing me to consider the alternative. 

Sometimes the alternatives are dreamy. Sometimes the alternatives are disastrous

My mind, riddled with endless possibilities. 

I have come to terms with the fact that people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime, and those in our past are ghosts of choices made. But, I would be lying if I said that if the door was to reopen, even by a sliver, I wouldn’t jump at the opportunity.

Maybe we were the right thing at the wrong time. Or perhaps it was just the perfect fleeting moment, forever frozen in time. 

