Why I love my Kindle & why you will too: From a former hardcopy book lover

It has almost been 3 months since I was first united with my Kindle, and I cannot believe it took me THIS long to give eBooks a go.

I have always been fond of reading — there was one summer in highschool where my English teacher asked us to read a book during the two week break and I managed to read 6 #bookworm but when I became a mum my reading pace went from the already dismal one book a year #adultlife to zero books in 5yrs #mumlife. In an attempt to find myself post-separation, I started 2022 with the goal to read one book a month.

The first three months went by with me meeting my deadline of starting a new book on the 1st of each month but by April my reading speed dropped and I found my goal of finishing one book a month slipping through my fingers. Luckily for me this all changed when my bestie T decided to gift me a Kindle for my birthday.

When she told me what she was getting me, I was reluctant. I told her I wasn't going to use it and I didn't want her to waste money on something that would collect dust. I love reading for many reasons, getting lost in the words is one and the tactile aspect is another. There's something about holding a book in your hands and turning the page that gives me so much joy. This second point alone was my key resisting factor to getting a Kindle but one of the things I hated most about books was the fact I had nowhere to store them.

Most of the books I own I’ve read once, a handful maybe twice. All of which were then slotted onto the bookshelf, never to be touched again. And by bookshelf, I mean the one at my parent's house because I do not have the space at mine. Throw in the mishap of buying a terrible book or two that I couldn't finish, I began to wonder what I would do with my growing collection.

I can say hand on heart I am officially converted to my Kindle now.
I have read almost one book a week since getting it, 9 in total and currently onto my 10th.

What I love most about it is that it “learns” my reading speed and gives me an estimate on how many minutes a chapter will take me. I will only put a book down between chapters so this little feature has meant I can tell whether I can sneak in one more chapter.

Another feature I love, is that the Kindle is backlit meaning I can read it in the dark. Long gone are the days where I had to bring a torch to bed so I could keep reading (yes, I was THAT kid). I took this bad boy on holidays with me recently and when the kids were asleep in the bed next to me I was able to whip it out and read without turning on any lights.

I have exclusively been reading books available through Kindle Unlimited since I got it which gives you access to millions of books for $13.99 a month (there’s a free trial when you sign up *winky face*). Won’t lie, I totally considered only keeping it for the free trial but there are so many books available on it, it’s worth the $13.99 a month, especially if you’re reading several books a month. You can sign up to it HERE.

So, if you’re already an avid reader or want to get back into it, I definitely recommend a Kindle!
Grab yourself, or a fellow book lover one, via my Amazon Affiliate link HERE.


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